Awesome Value Offers...
Quality ABE dry powder2.5kg fire extinguisher with hose, vehicle bracket / wall bracket and location sticker. Sale now on.
$49.50 incl GST
Go To Product Page4.5kg ABE Dry powder fire extinguisher with hose, wall bracket, location sign and ABE identification sign.
$66.00 incl GST
Go To Product PageFullworks Fire Safety's 9kg ABE dry powder fire extinguishers are heavy-duty, high-quality; ideal for medium to large industrial units. Add to cart here.
$95.70 incl GST
Go To Product PageBestsellers
Red Fire Equipment Anti Tamper Seals
Anti tamper seal / security tie - 9 (230mm) used to identify usage and prevent misuse of fire equipment - red in colour
From $0.22 incl GST
Yellow Fire Equipment Anti Tamper Seals
Anti tamper seal / security tie - 9 (230mm) used to identify usage and prevent misuse of fire equipment - yellow in colour
From $0.22 incl GST
Green Fire Equipment Anti Tamper Seals
Anti tamper seal / security tie - 9 (230mm) - used to identify usage and prevent misuse of fire equipment - green in colour
From $0.22 incl GST
Fire Equipment Maintenance Service Tag - Aluminium
Maintenance service tag - used to identify month of first service and service months of fire equipment - requirement of AS1851:2012
From $0.55 incl GST
Blue Fire Equipment Anti Tamper Seals
Anti tamper seal / security tie - 9 (230mm) - used to identify usage and prevent misuse of fire equipment - blue in colour
From $0.22 incl GST
Maintenance Service Tag Ring
Maintenance service tag ring - split ring used to attach maintenance service tags to fire equipment
From $0.22 incl GST
News View News Archive
09 October, 2024
Our website has moved hosts and we have freshened things up a bit!
16 September, 2021
The new Fullworks Fire Safety is open now! After a very hectic period after our previous web host / software provider went into liquidation! All your fire safety equipment in one place. Buy now!
1.5kg ABE Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher
1.5kg ABE Dry powder fire extinguisher with hose, vehicle bracket and location sticker. Ideal for vehicle use.
$44.00 incl GST
1kg ABE Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher
The 1kg dry chemical powder fire extinguisher is ideal for domestic use; suitable for class A, B; E fires. Shop online with Fullworks Fire Safety here.
$27.50 incl GST
2.5kg ABE Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher
Quality ABE dry powder2.5kg fire extinguisher with hose, vehicle bracket / wall bracket and location sticker. Sale now on.
$49.50 incl GST
2kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher - Carbon Dioxide
Fullworks Fire Safety supply 2kg CO2 fire extinguishers ideal for areas with electrical equipment; can extinguish B; E class fires. Purchase online here.
$138.60 incl GST
2kg Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher – ABE
Fullworks Fire Safety stock 2kg ABE dry powder fire extinguishers suitable for commercial vehicles; small/light commercial areas. Place an order today.
$49.50 incl GST
2lt Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher
Wet chemical fire extinguisher 2.0lt with hose, secure wall bracket, location sign and wet chemical identification sign.
$99.00 incl GST
3.5kg CO2 - Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher
Fullworks Fire Safety supply high-quality 3.5kg CO2 fire extinguishers ideal for extinguishing electrically energised fires in commercial areas. Shop here.
$158.40 incl GST
4.5kg ABE Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher
4.5kg ABE Dry powder fire extinguisher with hose, wall bracket, location sign and ABE identification sign.
$66.00 incl GST
5kg CO2 - Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher
Fullworks Fire Safety's 5kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher provides a heavy-duty; high-quality clean extinguishing agent in the event of electrical fires. Buy here.
$176.00 incl GST
7lt Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher
7.0lt Wet chemical fire extinguisher with hose, wall bracket, location sign and wet chemical identification sign.
$198.00 incl GST
9kg ABE Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher
Fullworks Fire Safety's 9kg ABE dry powder fire extinguishers are heavy-duty, high-quality; ideal for medium to large industrial units. Add to cart here.
$95.70 incl GST
9lt AFFF Air / Foam Fire Extinguisher - FLOURINE FREE
FRLOURINE FREE - Air/Foam fire extinguisher (9.0lt) with hose, wall bracket, location sign and AFFF identification sign. Perth, Melbourne, Sydney shipping.
$142.50 incl GST
9lt Air / Water Fire Extinguisher
9.0lt Air / Water fire extinguisher with hose, wall bracket, location sign and Air / Water identification sign. Ideal for Bushfire spot fires
$121.00 incl GST
4.5kg Fire Extinguisher Vehicle Bracket - Black - Heavy Duty
High quality heavy duty fire extinguishervehicle bracket to suit most 4.5kg fire extinguishers - short style - black finish
$66.00 incl GST
9kg Fire Extinguisher Vehicle Bracket - Black - Heavy duty
High quality heavy duty fire extinguisher vehicle bracket to suit most 9kg fire extinguishers - short style - black finish.
$66.00 incl GST
4.5kg Fire Extinguisher Vehicle Bracket - Over Centre
High quality heavy duty fire extinguisher vehicle bracket to suit most 4.5kg fire extinguishers - over centre / lever type
$110.00 incl GST
9kg Fire Extinguisher Vehicle Bracket - Over Centre
High quality heavy duty fire extinguishervehicle bracket to suit most 9kg fire extinguishers - over centre / lever type
$110.00 incl GST
2.5kg Fire Extinguisher Vehicle Bracket - Red- 128-143mm
High quality Fire extinguisher vehicle bracket to suit 2.5kg (128mm-143mm diameter) fire extinguishers - Red finish
$55.00 incl GST