Servicing - Sprinkler Systems

Sprinkler System Servicing

Having your sprinkler system and booster pumps serviced is a requirement of the Australian standards. As sprinklers are automatically activated it is critical that they are maintained and in a state of readiness. Fines may be issued should this not occur.

All of our sprinkler systems servicing is carried out in accordance with AS1851:2005 section 2 by qualified technicians at your premises. Minor repairs to sprinkler systems can be carried out, when required, however major repairs will need to be quoted and on approval will be carried out by a specialised plumber.

AS1851:2005 requires all fire hydrant systems to be serviced on a weekly, monthly, 3 monthly, half yearly and 1 year basis dependant on the type of sprinkler system and the subsystems it is connected to. You may also find that servicing is a requirement specified by your insurance company or may lead to a price reduction for your insurance policy if this is carried out. They will also require the completion of a log book of all testing on the sprinkler system. If you do not have a log book, they are available from our technicians or from our website here. If you already have a sprinkler system log book we will be more than happy to continue using this.

The Australian standard AS1851:2005 section 2 relates to sprinkler system servicing and testing and is the basis for all sprinkler system servicing carried out by our technicians.

Pricing of this service is dependant on quantity and location zone. See our Servicing Pricing page for more details.