Fire Safety around the home is something that we all need to be mindful of. Fire effects many homes in Australia. In WA alone FESA statistics published in August 2012* show that in the last year there were 592 homes destroyed and on average 5 people lose their lives to accidental fires annually.
Not only was the effect on the families residing in these home devastating, the financial results of these fires can have a knock on effect. In the 2011/12 financial year accidental house fires in WA caused almost $22 million damage and most were preventable.
August is traditionally the worst month for fires in WA due to the colder weather and people using candles, electric heaters, electric blankets etc.
With the ever increasing amount of electronics such as large TV's, computers running all day and night and devices charging from the mains that are kept within the home environment and the huge increase in cheap and potentially non approved electronics and electrical equipment being imported from overseas, it is becoming more and more important to consider Fire Safety within YOUR home.
The following is general advice for keeping your home and more importantly, your family ready and protected from FIRE
Yes thats right... there are some 'alarming' statistics regarding smoke alarms in the home. Around 90% of Western Australian homes have smoke alarms of varying types fitted, and for the battery powered ones, only around 75% of people actually change the batteries in the smoke alarms once the battery has gone flat.
Fortunately for Australians, local and state governments are trying to change this. New buildings must have hardwired smoke alarms, building approvals are normally granted for additions to existing homes with a proviso that hard wired smoke alarms are fitted as part of the building work. Rental properties and homes for sale are also required to have smoke alarms fitted.
Each year on April 1st local fire authorities run a campaign to remind people to change their smoke alarm batteries. The campaign has many names but the message is the same - Don't be a fool - Change youre smoke alarm batteries! Duracell have an informative website relating to smoke alarms at Change Your Battery.
*Article source -